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Beauclerc Infant and Nursery

Learning to Succeed, Succeeding to Learn

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Who are the PTA committee and contacts?


Who are the PTA committee and contacts?


If you would like to get in touch to raise any issues or ask any questions, please contact us.


The current core committee are:


  • Our Co-Chairs are Amy Wagner and Chris Roos. Both work in technology as their full-time day jobs.
  • Our Secretary is Kirsty Barber who spends part of her time looking after a toddler and the other part as Head of Drama at a local secondary school. 
  • Our Treasurer is Andrew Bravington, whose son is in Dragonfly class. 
  • Our Teacher Reps are Mrs Chapman and Miss McGrath who you can see here


More people are needed to run a successful and profitable PTA than just the core committee and we are always looking for lots of lovely, kind helpers. The more people become involved, the more we can achieve and the easier things are!



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