Our Learning - Summer 1
Whale Class Trip to Kew Gardens.
Summer 1 - Week 5
This week in Whale Class, we have had a great week of learning. In art, we looked at interesting houses and designed a tile that we will create using clay next week. We looked closely at the different features of the houses and labelled how we would create them. The children are really looking forward to creating their final piece!
In Maths, we have started to learn how to tell the time. We revised telling the time to o'clock, half past and have started to learn to tell the time to quarter past, quarter to and minutes past an hour. We would love for you to continue to practise at home!
In English, we have used all of our learning over the past use weeks to write a story. We created our own version of Meerkat Mail. We enjoyed sharing our stories with each other.
Have a lovely weekend!
Summer 1 - Week 4
This week in Whale Class, we have started to learn about animals, including humans in Science. We have looked at animals and their offspring. We learnt lots of new names for different animals offspring, including meerkittens for baby meerkats and a 'fry' for a baby octopus! We have also looked at human life cycles. We discussed the differences between babies, toddlers, children, teenagers, adults and elderly people.
In computing, we have been learning how to make music. We have used 2Sequence to combine instruments to make a tune.
In English, we have started to read the story Meerkat Mail. We have used conjunctions to write a paragraph about why meerkats might want to leave the desert and written postcards from Sunny to his family, making sure to include conjunction, expanded noun phrases, first person and apostrophes for possession.
In art, we are continuing to work with clay. We looked at the work of Rachel Whiteread, who using plaster and casting to create sculptures using negative spaces. The children created a tile, before using a range of tools to make indents and joining clay to make raised parts. Next week, we will be creating a design of a tile to reflect a room in our homes.
Summer 1 - Week 3
This week we had a very short week in Whale Class and some surprise visitors!
The children have started to take part in their 'Secret Agent Tests'. The children have worked really hard and it's been great to watch how far they have come!
In RE, we got to take part in Shabbat! The children have been learning about Judaism and what Jewish and Christian families believe about the creation story. They learnt that the story explain how on day 7 God rested and this is why Jewish families celebrate Shabbat. It is a time spent with families and friends, playing games and reflecting on their week. We followed the instructions on how to carry out Shabbat, we started by lighting two candles while listening to a blessing of the wine and grape juice. We then uncovered the challah bread, cut it and sprinkled salt on it. The children then came to the front to take some grape juice and challah bread. The children really enjoyed have a moment to share their weeks over bread and juice with their classmates!
On Friday, we had a very soggy walk to Chennestone to celebrate the King's Coronation. The children were brilliant and it was a lovely opportunity to meet some of their future classmates.
Have a lovely weekend.
Summer 1 - Week 2
This week in Whale Class, we have had a very busy week!
The children took part in the FRED Experience workshop. They learnt about looking after their minds and bodies. Whale Class learn that FRED stands for Food, Rest, Exercise and Devices and how each of these things can effect us.
Jamie Knight, an amazing freestyle footballer, visited on Wednesday and taught the children some amazing tricks. Jamie showed the whole school his skills, he then took each class for a workshop where the children learnt to spin the ball on their finger, how to do the around the world trick and many more!
In Music, we have started to learn how to play the ukulele. We learnt to play G, C, E and A. We are very excited for our next session!
On Friday, the children had an amazing time taking part in the TCS Mini Marathon. The children ran around the school, passing through bubble machines, a hi-five station and a sprint zone. All the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Summer 1 - Week 1
What a wonderful first week back we've had!
The children have kick-started their new topic 'What makes me a super species?' by planting a range of seeds. The children have planted sunflowers, cress and broad beans. We are closely observing them to see how they grow.
In English, we have been learning to use exciting vocabulary, expanded noun phrases and adverbs to write setting descriptions about the chocolate room from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.
In Art, we will be working with clay this half term. We explored using our hands as tools to manipulate and shape clay in different ways. We learnt how to make a ball in clay, flatten and smooth clay and make marks.