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Beauclerc Infant and Nursery

Learning to Succeed, Succeeding to Learn

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Can I read you a traditional story?

This half term the children have been busy bee’s by reading lots of fairy-tale books. We have explored the books and the key language that is used, retold them through acting, small world, and remembering key phrases. In Mathematics we have focused on shapes, measuring and comparing. We have explored emotions through using the colour monster, learnt about fire safety, and how to keep ourselves safe. We have had lots of celebrations such as making diva lamps for Diwali, fireworks at Bonfire night, poppies for Remembrance Day, shortbread for St. Andrews day, Menorah Candle for Hanukkah, and made lots of crafts and cards for Christmas!

We started the half term off by exploring Bonfire Night and Diwali. We then created a poppy wreath and thought about all the soldiers on Remembrance Day. We looked at how people celebrate and spoke about our own experiences of the events. We have read the books ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. We have explored the stories through play and sharing the vocabulary from them. (Weeks 1 and 2)

Week 4 - Jack and the Beanstalk, Humpty Dumpy challenge, decorating a tree branch, and welcoming Mary, Joseph and the Donkey to the first part of their journey.

Week 6 - This week we read 'Little Red Riding Hood'. We had our special fairytale workshop which the children were so amazing in.

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