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Beauclerc Infant and Nursery

Learning to Succeed, Succeeding to Learn

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How much do you raise?


Every academic year we try and raise £10,000, although the student intake at the school is now slighter smaller than previous years. We have decided to keep this a 'stretch goal' and do our very best as a new committee to chase it.


Overall, fundraising projects in 2022/23 generated income of £9,261.01.


For more information about the events we ran and the money we raised in previous years, see the reports in the 'Documents' section.


In 2022/23 we held a Christmas fair and disco, snack-bag sales, mother's day boxes, after school film nights and the annual summer fair.


In 2023/24 we held events such as the Christmas fair, Wild Mile Run, after school film nights and the annual summer fair.

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