Autumn 1 Learning
What an exciting and action-packed first half term we’ve had in Year 2!
Our focus this term was Geography, where we explored the seven continents and five oceans. The children not only learned to name and locate them, but also identified key physical and human features in each continent. A highlight was our Continents Day, where we “travelled” across the globe to discover diverse cultures and traditions. We listened to vibrant South American music and even learned a chair drumming routine to accompany salsa rhythms. In Africa, we explored the significance of traditional masks, delving into their history and features before creating our own unique designs. Our journey continued to Asia, where we embraced various dance styles and learned some energetic Bhangra moves. We wrapped up the day in Oceania, exploring the many islands and countries, including the friendly rivalry between Australia and New Zealand over the origins of the Pavlova dessert, which the children made and enjoyed!
In Science, we investigated living and non-living things, discussing the criteria that define life. Through the lens of the seven life processes—using the acronym MRS GREN—we engaged in observation and questioning to classify various organisms. We also explored microhabitats, discovering the rich diversity right in our school grounds. We examined different microhabitats, identifying the creatures that inhabit them and investigating their preferred conditions. We then pieced together food chains from a range of habitats and connected them to our local environment.
In English, we were inspired by the story of The Snail and The Whale to enhance our writing skills. This term, we focused on crafting coherent, structured sentences, producing setting descriptions, missing posters, explanation texts, fact files, and imaginative stories. We practiced using adjectives, expanded noun phrases, conjunctions, and correct punctuation, and we were amazed by the creativity the children displayed in their writing!
In Maths, we kicked off with place value, working on recognising numbers, counting forwards and backwards, and identifying tens and ones. We practiced counting in 2s, 5s, 10s, and 3s, and began our exploration of addition and subtraction, which will continue into Autumn 2. We reviewed number bonds to 10, using them to help learn bonds to 20 and 100. We used number lines, Base 10, and Numicon to add two-digit and one-digit numbers, as well as the rules for adding three one-digit numbers.
Black History Month
In Design and Technology, we focussed on wheels and axles. We received a letter from the mayor of New Town, inviting us to design and build a model Ferris Wheel. We explored various mechanisms, closely examined wheels and axles, and created our own designs based on a design brief. After bringing our models to life, we tested each other's creations and provided constructive feedback. We concluded by evaluating our designs, discussing successes and areas for improvement.
Overall, it has been a busy and inspiring first half term filled with engaging learning experiences. We eagerly anticipate welcoming the children back in Autumn 2 for another exciting term!