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Beauclerc Infant and Nursery

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Spring 2 - Who was the lady with the lamp?

The BIG Question: Who was the lady with the lamp? We will be taking a journey back to the times of Florence Nightingale. We will explore the significant impact that Florence Nightingale had on modern nursing. Many of her theories around good hygiene and simple hand washing couldn’t be more relevant today after Covid! We will also be looking at Marie Curie and her mobile x-ray invention and how she used this to help soldiers during the First World War.  

Week 1

What a fantastic week back we have had in Ladybirds. We came back after our week off and we hit the ground running.

We started our history topic by looking at who was Florence Nightingale and we looked at the different qualities needed to be a nurse. 

In music, we began to learn how to play the recorder. The children practised holding the recorder using their left hand on top and right hand underneath. We practised playing the note B and adding this note to a song from Charanga.

In computing, we recapped being safe online. We discussed the different things we can do to be safe when using the internent. We then began our new unit on PurpleMash.  We are looking at animation and we will be creating our own ebooks. We looked at the difference between traditional books and ebooks.

In geography,we began to make observations about the weather and we discussed how the weather differs in the seasons.


Week 2

What a great week in Ladybird class!

We celebrated World Book Day on Friday and we had some fantastic costumes in our classroom and we had a great day.  We had a whole school catwalk, we had a masked reader read 'The Stick Man', all the teachers swapped classes and read a story and we also read some stories in class. We drew our favourite book and we also designed a book cover.

In English, we continued our story 'Last stop on Market street'. We used colourful semantics to help us to compose sentences. We continued to use our actions to help us to retell the story.

In maths, we began looking at place value within 50. We used 100 squares to help us with these and ensuring we were writing the numbers the correct way around.

In science, we began our new topic the human body and senses. We recapped the senses before looking at the different parts of the body. We labelled the parts of the body after doing the funny bone dance.
In computing, we continued to use PurpleMash for animation. We tried to add to add a sound effect to their pictures.

In Re, we began to look at the inside and outside of a church. We looked at the different features of a church and why these features can be found in a church.

Week 3

In English this week we finished our model text 'Last stop on Market street'. We began innovating and we created our own versions of the story.

In maths, we continued to look at place value within 50. We looked at grouping in 10s. We looked at grouping numbers into 1s and 10s. We also began looking at the number line to 50 and will continue this learning next week.

 In Geography we began to look closely at the clouds. We learnt about 4 type of clouds and the weather assoicated with each cloud.



Week 5

This week in Ladybird class, we looked at measurement in maths. We began to look at height and length. We used different manipulatives in the room to measure the length or height of various objects.

In English, we started to innovate our text. We changed Wilma Rudolph to Dame Kelly Holmes. We watched clips of Dame Kelly before chotting some ideas in our books. We will continue to innovate our text next week before writing our hot task.

In history, we started looking and learning about Marie Curie. We created a fact file on Marie Curie and we will be typing this into Purple Mash.

In science, we continued looking at the body and the senses. We looked at what senses are needed to do a variety of different things.

Week 6

What a terrific last week of term! Ladybirds have worked hard this term and they should all be proud of how hard they have worked! 

In maths, we continued to look at mass and measurement. We looked at measuring and comparing mass. We used measuring scales to weigh different items in our class and used the langauge heavier and lighter to describe what we saw. We then used cubes to compare the mass of two objects.

In English, we finished looking at Dame Kelly Holmes and her sporting accomplishments. Ladybirds had researched their favourite sports person and they wrote their own sports biography. 

In art, we created Spring/ Easter cards. The children worked hard on decorating and writing neatly in the cards.


We had a busy week with visitors in Ladybirds! We had a nurse come and answer our questions about nursing. We also had our Florence Nigtingale workshop and dress up day.





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