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Beauclerc Infant and Nursery

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Spring 1 - What can we tell Mumble about the UK?

The BIG Question: What can I tell Mumble about the UK? The UK is a wonderful country in our world. Imagine for one minute, if you can, that Mumble, a brave, curious and friendly dancing penguin travelled to the UK for his world tour. What would you show him? Where would you take him? Where would you start? How would you explain our country? What would a penguin write in letters back home to friends and family? As we progress on this learning journey, they will discover the joys and challenges of being a tour guide for Mumble and his ‘happy feet!’

Week 1


Welcome back!


We hope you all have had a nice well deserved break! In the first week back, we have introduced all our new learning. If you would like to see what topics we are learing check out our curriculum map for this topic in the Curriculum pages tab!

In Maths, we have started to explore numbers beyond 10. We have been looking at addition within 20 while really focusing on correct number formation

Our English topic is looking at the book 'The Queens Hat' for our narrative story focus. We have been writing some fantastic sentences in our sentence stacking lessons.

In history, we looked at how transport has changed over time. We focused on cars and how they changed over the years.

In geography, we looked at the 4 countries that make up the UK. We know that there is 7 continents in the world and the UK is apart of the continent Europe.

In PSHE, we started our dreams and goals unit. We looked back to a time when we were proud of something we accomplished. We wrote about this proud moment in our lesson. 


In other news, we are excited to share that our school trip is booked linking to our history topic transport. We will be going to Milestones Museum

 and letters will be sent out early next week.  Have a lovely weekend everybody!



Week 2

This week in Ladybirds we continued our history learning. We began to look at the historic figure Isambard Kingdom Brunnel (IKB). We learnt that he is a British engineer who invented the steamship Great Western, Great Britain and Great Eastern. We also learnt that one of Brunel's defining achievements was the Clifton Suspension Bridge.

In ICT, we began this term by recapping how ot be safe online. We looked at the importance of not sharing personal information with strangers online. We discussed how we can be safe online and if we are unsure of anything we know to tell an adult.

In geography, we continued our learning on the UK. We started to look at the capital cities of the countries in the UK.

In RE we started to explore Islam. We looked at the importance of names and why they are important to us.

In science, we began to revisit our previous learning on animals. 



Week 3

In English we continued our sentence stacking lessons using our text 'The Queen's Hat. We looked at using adjectives in our sentences to make them more interesting for the reader. 

In maths, we looked at using a number line to 20. We looked at one more and one less using a number line to 20 and we also looked at estimating numbers on the numberline.

In geography, we looked at human and physical features in the United Kingdom.  We looked at different features in England, Scotland, Wales and Norther Ireland and labelled them as human or physical features.

In PSHE, we looked at goal setting. We looked at how we can set goals and the steps we can do to achieve these goals. We decided as a class that our goals are best achieved if we work through them one step at a time.



Week 4

This week in English we started to write our independent story. We hugged closely to the text 'The Queen's Hat' and wrote about Mrs Mulhall losing her scarf to a gust of wind in the playground. The children used their knowledge of the local area and started to write about the scarfs journey around Sunbury. We will continue to write up on stories next week.

In Maths, we continued to look at numberlines to 20. We recapped how to estimate numbers on a time line before looking at ordering numbers on a time line. 

In computing this week we continued our 'Lego Builders' unit. We looked at following and creating simple instructions on the computer. Ladybirds followed clear instructions on how to colour in a bird. They then had the opportunity to give each instructions when colouring in an elephant picture. We also looked at how the order of instructions and how these can affect the result. We used the example of rice krispy buns.

In history, we continued our learning on Isambard Kingdom Brunnel. We have a number of children in Ladybirds class who are an expert on this historical figure. We created fact files on Isamabard writing about his life, his ideas and his boat.

Week 5

What a short and fun week in Ladybirds!

We did some fantastic learning this week and to end our week we had a number day dress up! Ladybirds all looked fantastic in their outfits!

In English, we started looking at a travel journal. We are writing about Africa and the amazing animals and views that we have seen using videos and pictures to help us.

In maths, we started loooking at addition and subtraction between 20. We have started to build on our learning from earlier in the year as we are trying to count on from a given number. We found using ten frames, cubes and numberlines very helpful with our new learning.

In computing, we started our new unit 'Maze Explorers'. We looked at how important it is to follow instructions when completing tasks.

In science, we recapped our learning on the seasons. We looked at the difference in hours of sunlight between the different seasons.




Week 6

What a week in Ladybirds we had! We were excited about our school trip all week and it was a fantastic way to end the term.

We have finished learning aboout Isambard Kingdom Brunnel and Ladybirds really enjoyed this learning. 

In English, we finished our travel journal and we wrote our independent pieces on England and the fantastics sites that you can see. Today we started our cold task (independent writing) on a narrative story.

In maths, we have been looking at doubling. We have been using manipulatives to help us with our learning. We put the Numicon on both sides of the ladybird as this allowed us to see the doubles. We then had to tell our partners what we had built before writing them in our book eg. Double 3 is 6. 

In computing, we continued looking at maze explorers. We followed algorithims to complete the tasks on PurpleMash. 


We really enjoyed our school trip to Milestones Museum so a massive thank you to all adults for allowing us to go! Have a look at the pictures below :)

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