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Beauclerc Infant and Nursery

Learning to Succeed, Succeeding to Learn

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Class Information



PE in Whale Class happens on a Monday and Friday.

Children can wear their PE kits to school on Monday and Friday. Children will go outside for part of their PE lesson, if it is not raining, so please provide jogging bottoms and a jacket.



Home Reading Books

Your child has the opportunity to change their home reading book every other day at school. Children on the Accelerated Reader scheme must read their books twice before they can take part in a reading comprehension quiz and change their book. 

If your child takes part in the Read, Write, Inc Phonics programme then they will have their book changed every Wednesday (Red, Purple, Green, Pink and Orange groups) or Friday (Yellow, Blue and Grey groups).

Children should place their reading books and planners on their desks everyday. Please remember to bring in both the reading book and purple reading planner.


Class adults will keep a log of how often your child is reading and may talk to you or offer advice if your child is not reading regularly at home. Please do not hesitate to talk to us about this - we are here to support. 


Children will visit the library every Wednesday afternoon. 




Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader (AR) is a whole-group reading management and monitoring programme that aims to foster the habit of independent reading among primary and early secondary age pupils. The internet-based software initially screens pupils according to their reading levels, and suggests books that match their reading age and reading interest.

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