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Welcome To

Beauclerc Infant and Nursery

Learning to Succeed, Succeeding to Learn

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Positive first experiences away from home are key to laying the foundations for a successful education.  Our focus is always on your child's wellbeing and enjoyment, because we know that happy, stimulated children excel.


When you are three years old, there is so much to discover about the world - life is one long adventure!  At Beauclerc Nursery, we encourage our children to grasp the opportunities on offer with both hands.  They are active all day, trying new skills, exploring ideas and generally getting stuck in, in our cheerful and engaging classroom.


In the garden that surrounds our Nursery, there are climbing frames to conquer, ride-on toys in which to mount expeditions and a flower and vegetable bed to sow.  A wide and wonderful world awaits them.  The children frequently explore our school grounds and venture into the wildlife area to discover more about the natural world.

Our static role-play area changes termly to reflect a real-life setting that children can experience.  Children love dressing up and using props to play.  Our children have been hairdressers and used hair dryers to get into character.  Children have also played the role of doctors and used stethoscopes to examine each other.


Creative learning is at the core of everything we do.  Children are encouraged to use their own problem solving skills and make their own discoveries.  Working independently and in groups, they learn new techniques and build their confidence, which leads to rapid progress towards their Early Learning Goals.  Our engaged and experience staff keep a careful eye on each child's development to ensure that he or she remains interested and absorbed, and children of all abilities make good progress.


By the time our children transition to Reception, they are ready and eager for the next stage in their school life and take with them the confidence, curiosity and desire to learn that has been nurtured here.


Nursery is lead by a fully qualified teacher, nursery nurse and supported by teaching assistants.  


To find out more about day-to-day life in our Nursery, please click the link below which will take you to the school 'Class Page' part of our website.


Bumblebee Class Page


Nursery (3 - 4 years) Nursery Session Times 

At Beauclerc Nursery we offer both part-time and full-time Nursery places.  Currently, the government fund fifteen hours free childcare for all three-year olds the term after they are three during the term time.  We are in the position to offer parents the opportunity for their child to attend Nursery for the full day (9am - 3pm).  Please see our sessions outlined below:


Session A

Monday – Tuesday

9am – 3pm


9am – 11.45am

Session B


12 – 3pm

Thursday to Friday

9am – 3pm

We welcome your children into Nursery from 8.45am for a soft opening


30 Hours

If you work and your child is 3 or 4 years old, you may be eligible for 30 hours a week funded early education and childcare.


To claim your 30 hours, apply for the code now on the link below.

Surrey County Council


We offer personal tours of our nursery and are happy to answer any questions you may have. If you wish to find out more about our nursery or to discuss admission arrangements, please call 01932 780672 or email the office on info@beauclerc.surrey.sch.uk

Nursery Application form

Busy, busy Bumblebee!

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