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Beauclerc Infant and Nursery

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Our Learning - Autumn 2

Week 4.

This week, the children participated in activities to mark 'Road Safety Week'. This year's focus was all about safe speed limits around schools. We sorted statements into true or false, the statements included 'it is ok to break the speed limit in an emergency' and 'it is ok to break the speed limit if you are a good driver'. The children were very passionate about never breaking the speed limit!

In Maths, we have started our new unit on shape. The children have started by recapping the names of 2D and 3D shapes. We will move onto identifying the properties of shapes including the number of sides and corners. 

In History, the children learnt about why the Great Fire of London spread so quickly and so far. They learnt that the weather and street layout had a huge impact on the severity of the fire. It has been so lovely to hear from the children that they are so engaged in this half term's topic. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Week 3

This week was Anti Bullying week. On Monday, the children celebrated by wearing their odd socks to school. On Wednesday, we learnt about this year's theme: make a noise about bullying! We discussed how we can make a noise about bullying, the children had ideas including: making posters, telling a trusted adult, comforting victims of bullying. We created 'helping hands' where we named people we can turn to if we see bullying happening. 

I maths, we have been learning to subtracting where we exchange/borrow a ten. Below, we have attached some guided to help support your children at home with this. If you would like any other support, please speak to an adult from the Whale Class team.

We have been working really hard on our Christmas play this week too. Lots of the children have learnt their lines already! We are looking forward to showing it to you all in two weeks time. 

Week 2

This week, we learnt about Remembrance Day. We found out why we have a 2 minute silence at 11AM on the 11th of November and why people wear poppies. We used our learning in art from Autumn 1 to create poppy pictures. The children selected the colours they needed from the oil pastels and used their fingers to blend the colours together. They created some beautiful pieces. 

In English, we have been learning the story 'Toby and the Great Fire of London'. It is about a young boy who is ordered by his master to deliver an important diary to a man named Mr Pepys. He has to work his way through the Great Fire to ensure the diary is delivered. We have worked as a whole class to innovate our story. We finished the week by writing our innovated story about a boy called Toby who is attempting to deliver cheese and wine to Mr Pepys, but an avalanche and snow storm has struck London! The children have used expanded noun phrases, subordinating conjunctions and a range of sentence types within their stories. 

In maths, we have been learning to add when we can exchange. This is when we have ten or more ones and can swap them for a ten stick.

Week 1 

We have had a great first week back! The children were introduced to their new topic all about The Great Fire of London. We started by look at folders of clues and evidence to answer 3 important questions: where did the fire start? When did the fire start? Why did the fire start? The children have loved being history detectives and are looking forward to learning more about the fire!

In maths, we are continuing with addition and subtraction. We have learnt to add and subtract across 10 this week. 

In science, we are learning about materials this half term. This week, we identified the uses of everyday materials. 

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