Read Write Inc (RWI) printable flashcards to help with practising phonics at home.
Power points with green word and red words
The following power points contain green words with set 1, 2 and set 3 sounds. There is also a power point with red words from our RWI books.
Ladybirds have been practising using sound buttons to help us to decode words. If you ask them to do this at home they will be able to show you.
If you are reading these words please get them to draw the sounds buttons under the word.
This is super practise for their phonic screening the first week in June.
Past Papers
Below there are two past (2019-2018) Phonic Screening Papers from the government website. Please feel free to print off the papers so that you can see what they are like. Your child will be able to show you how they practice their sound buttons.
If you do wish to do this, please let them do it independently (just watch and listen) and when they have finished the paper or sheet you are doing. Then go through the answers together. Use the above sound cards to support understanding.
Pseudo words
Alien words are often also called nonsense words or pseudo words, and are words made up of sounds a child has already been taught through RWI.
The children know that they do not make sense - but we like to think that they are the aliens funny names.
+ It will take place w/c 6th June.
+ The check is done by class teacher in a relaxed and calm environment.
+ Check is familiar to children (past papers and RWI).
Any questions please ask.