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Welcome To

Beauclerc Infant and Nursery

Learning to Succeed, Succeeding to Learn

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Home Reading Books

Your child has the opportunity to change their home reading book each day at school. There is a basket located in class, where children can place their books in to indicate that they need changing. Please remember to bring in both the reading book and yellow reading diary when you need it to be changed. 


Class adults will keep a log of how often your child is changing their book and may talk to you or offer advice if your child is not reading regularly at home. Please do not hesitate to talk to us about this - we are only here to support. 



PE is every Monday and Tuesday.


Children have their PE kits at school and change before and after their lessons.

PE kits will go home at half term to be washed.

Please make sure your child has some jogging bottoms and a jumper in their kit as we do go outside for PE once a week. 

Friday 17th December


Reminder we break up at 12:45 for Christmas break! 

Wednesday 15th December 

Christmas Lunch!

Children can wear their Christmas jumpers again.

Christmas Jumper Day 10th December 2021.


Please wear your Christmas jumpers to school on the 10th December. 


PTA £1 Doughnut Sale after school.

Beauclerc's Christmas Break the Rules Day with a twist Friday 3rd December

Mad Hair Day - Friday 19th 2021

It is Children in Need on Friday 19th November 2021. We would like children to come into school with 'Mad Hair' and if possible donate £1 to this charity.



Anti-bullying Week - Odd Socks Day

Monday 15th November we are celebrating what makes us all unique in Anti-Bullying Week! So please remember to wear odd socks to support this.


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