Useful websites
NumBots is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating.
MarvellousMe makes it easy for teachers to tell parents about their child’s learning and achievements. It makes children and parents smile and enjoy great conversations about school.
As a school we follow the White Rose Scheme. The White Rose website have links to activities you can do at home that go alongside our learning at school.
Phonics Play and Oxford Owl
The Phonics Play website is a useful site for children to play phonics games on. Many of the resources are free so have a good look around!
Oxford owl website has free educational resources and free eBooks to support your children's learning at primary school and at home.
Read, Write, Inc.
Your child may still be learning phonics skills through our Read, Write, Inc programme. They will be regularly assessed to ensure that they have an appropriate level of challenge and are grouped accordingly.
Please investigate the attached booklets which will give you an indication of what is being taught with each set of sounds and will give some useful tips for reading at home.
Purple Mash
Purple Mash is a website for children aged 5-11. It is packed with creative tools, educational and themed resource to go alongside our learning.
Purple Mash has an exciting collection of Maths and English games which are designed to help children master key spelling, grammar, and maths concepts. There are tools to teach handwriting, touch-typing, spreadsheets, and graphing.
Purple Mash includes 2Code which children can use independently to take their coding to a Grade 6 level. Once they have mastered all the structured activities, they can show off their skills in the free code arenas.