What can I tell Mumble about the UK?
The UK is a wonderful country in our world. Imagine for one minute, if you can, that Mumble, a brave, curious and friendly dancing penguin travelled to the UK for his world tour. What would you show him? Where would you take him? Where would you start? How would you explain our country? What would a penguin write in letters back home to friends and family? As we progress on this learning journey, they will discover the joys and challenges of being a tour guide for Mumble and his ‘happy feet!’
Week 1
In English we have been learning about noun phrases. We went on a scavenger hunt and worked as a team to find natural objects (treasure) in our playground. We then wrote some sentences using our phonic knowledge about the treasure that we found in the playground. We also challenged ourselves to add adjectives in our writing, to describe our exciting finds.
In Maths we have been practising our addition skills. We have been learning about number bonds to 20 and we have been looking at how we can put our numbers in any order and we will still find the same answer! In Science we learned about night and day. We learned about how the Earth spins and how the sun and the moon give us night time and day time. We have also been learning about hibernation and which animals might hibernate.
In geography, we looked at a map of the world. We looked at the 7 continents and which continent the UK was apart of. We looked at a map of the UK and the 4 countries within it (Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales.
Dolphin scavenger hunt
Week 2
In English we have been looking at wishing stories. We wrote our wishes on stars and hung them around the classroom, hopefully they will come true!
In Maths we have continued to practise our addition and subtraction skills.
In Science we looked at the seasons and what type of weather is associated with each season. We drew and labelled pictures to represent the different seasons. We also used our artistic skills and worked together as a class to create art for our learning journey display in the corridor of the school.
In geography, we continued to look at a map of the UK. We learned about the 4 capitals cities of the UK. We identified each countries flag and labelled them.
Week 3
We had a busy week in Dolphin class! In English, we continued learning about Wishing stories. We continued to look at Laura's wish in 'Talk for Writing'. Dolphin class got the opportunity to draw their own story maps. We also used our senses to help us write descriptive sentences about Antarctia. In Maths, we have just started looking at numbers 1-50. We are continuing to follow the Whiterose scheme for maths. In history, we have continued learning about Isambard Kingdome Brunel. We wrote diary enteries pretending to be Bernard a worker on a boatyard, describing his day. We also looked and compared transport in the 1800's to today.
In geography, we recapped human and physical features of the landscape. We used this knowledge to help us identify features in the capital cities of the UK.
Week 4
In English this week we have been imitating our 'Talk 4 Writing' story. The children all chose different animals to replace the penguin in our original story. We have also just started to look at starting our sentences with references to the time of day eg. in the morning or later than evening.
In Maths, we have been continuing to look at numbers 1-50. We are very confident counting forwards to 50. We have been looking at one more or one less than a number from 1-50 and we just started to look at comparing numbers and objects to 50.
In history we are looking at how transport has changed over time. We looked at comparing old cars to more modern cars. We discussed changes we could see in the pictures and why cars have changed over time. We made a timeline of how cars have changed over the years.
In geography, we looked at identifying different clothes which are worn across the UK. We identified different types of weather and used our science knowledge to help us to understand these changes in the weather. We also identified suitable clothing for Mumble to pack in his suitcase to wear in the UK for all types of weather.
In PE, we got the apparatus out in our PE hall. The children were able to climb on the apparatus and ropes. We also had balance beams in the hall and we continued to travel various different ways on these apparatus.
Week 5
Our trip to Milestone Museum
Dolphin class explored vehicles from the past through a range of activities, which enabled them to closely study a variety of historical travel and transport. The children compared the museum's vehicles collection with modern vehicles of today.
We identified similarities and differences between transport and travel throughout the different periods. We even got the opportunity to climb aboard a 1935 Portsmouth bus and a fire engine, which was great fun!
Week 6
We have had another busy week in Dolphins this week! We had Mental health and Wellbeing week as well as internet safety day! We had a special delivery arrive to our class on Tuesday. Mumble sent an egg to our classroom with a special letter asking us to care for the egg. We have been watching and waiting for the egg to hatch and on Thursday, some children saw the egg move. We all got the chance to hold the egg carefully too.
In Maths, we have been continuing to follow the Whiterose scheme. This week we learned to order numbers to 1-50, counted up in 2s and we also learned to count up in 5s.
In English, we wrote about our school trip to Milestone Museum. We created mind maps of what we did and what we saw. We used our mind map and pictures from the trip to help us to write about it.
In PSHE for Mental health and Wellbeing week, we read 'Tilda Tries Again' and 'Ruby's Worry' by Tom Percival and we did activities based around these books. We wrote down our worries and discussed what we can do to help to alleviate these.
We read an internet safety story called 'Deeta and the Cyber Bots', we discussed how we can be safe online and created internet safety posters.
In ICT, we wrote some super sentences about Spring and attached photos to our sentences. Thanks to the PTA for allowing us the opportunity to use the chrome books to help us with our learning.