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Beauclerc Infant and Nursery

Learning to Succeed, Succeeding to Learn

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Summer Fair - Saturday 8th June 2024

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)


Making a difference through fundraising for our school.


Beauclerc PTA has the aim of providing the school and children with many of the essentials and extras that would otherwise not be available from the annual school budget.


All parents and carers with children at Beauclerc are automatically members of the PTA, which is also a registered charity. Our function is mainly fundraising, but at Beauclerc we believe that it is also important to nurture and entertain our children through arranging social and fun events.


The PTA can only successfully run with the voluntary help of parents and carers alike.




If you would like to get in touch to volunteer, raise any issues or ask any questions, please contact us at beauclercsunburyPTA@gmail.com

PTA video

Still image for this video

Important PTA documents (meeting notes, newsletters etc.)


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