Ladybird's Autumn Learning
As Mathematicians in Ladybird class we have been following a mastery approach using the ‘White Rose’ scheme.
We have been looking at place value within 10 moving on to addition . We have learned to sort objects, count objects, represent objects, count, read and write forwards and backwards from 0 to 10 as well as counting one more or one less. We have also learned about one-to-one correspondence and comparing groups. When comparing groups we learned to use language such as equal to , more/greater than, less/fewer than and we introduced <, > and = symbols. We also learned about ordinal numbers and looked at the number line in greater detail. We have just started looking at and trying to understand part whole models when adding and subtracting numbers.
Successful Ladybird's in Maths!
In English we have been using the text 'The Three Little Pigs'. We have been using the scheme 'Talk for Writing' to retell this story. We have created a story map of this text and used this in our lessons to help write our own version (The Three Little Chicks). We used short burst writes to write wanted posters for the wolf and we even had a visit from the wolf, where we were able to ask him questions about his behaviour towards the pigs. We are starting to look at writing instructions in year 1 and we have just given the Big Bad Wolf instructions on how to take a bath. In all of our writing, we are focusing on using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
We have also used drama to support our speaking skills in year 1. We have acted out the different parts of the story of 'The Three Little Pigs' as a group and performed it to the class. We have been using the Read, Write Inc programme to teach phonics. We have been using phonemes when reading a wide range of texts across all subjects and answering questions in order to extend our comprehension skills. Our class text which we have been reading is 'Winnie the Pooh' by AA Milne.
We have also been looking at instructions in year 1. We have looked at giving Mr Wolf a wash. We did this through the talk for writing scheme and we looked at the importance of time connectives when giving instructions. We used this knowledge to help us make jam sandwiches in class. We then used all of our learning to help us to write instructions for how we made our jam sandwiches.
Ladybird's following instructions to make a sandwich.
In geography we have looked at aerial photographs of Sunbury and located some areas that we know. We have started looking at maps and key. We have created our own maps of the playground at Beauclerc and the children have created a key to show the main features of the playground.
In music we have been following the Charanga scheme. We have been looking at the song 'Hey You' by Joanna Mangona. We have listened to this song and other styles of music each week. We have been discussing both the differences and similarities between the different songs each week. We have also been learning through the song 'Hey You' about rhythm and using percussion instruments to keep the beat.
As artists we have been looking at and exploring colour mixing. We have focused on the work of Wassily Kandinsky and learned about his use of colour. We have looked at mixing primary colours and creating darker and lighter tints and shades. We have also used this new knowledge of colours to paint our own version of Kadinsky's 'Concentric Circles'.