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Beauclerc Infant and Nursery

Learning to Succeed, Succeeding to Learn

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Autumn Learning

This half term our Big Question is:


Do all Superheroes wear capes?

Dragonfly Class enjoyed a visit from a Community Nurse. The children started thinking that maybe not all superheroes wear capes.

Dragonfly Class had a visit from the Evil Pea!!!!!

Dragonfly Class built some traps to capture the Evil Pea!

After a visit from a 'Mummy' Dragonfly Class decided that their mums were real life superheroes.

Dragonfly Class had a visit from a real life superhero!

Welcome to Dragonfly Class from all of the Reception team. The children have made an amazing start to the term.

Here are a few photos to give you a little insight into the day in the life of a Dragonfly! 

Dragonfly Class have been sorting and matching shapes and objects. We have been discussing the similarities and differences between our objects.

Dragonfly Class have been learning all about their 5 senses. We have been using our senses to describe what we can see, feel, smell, taste and hear.

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